1. H.M. Schrøder & C.M. Trier Aagaard-Jensen:
Traumatisk arteriovenøs fistel på underekstremitet.
Ugeskrift for Læger 37 (1984):2790-2791.
2. M.T. Aagaard & V.Y. Haraldsted:
Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis Treated with Total Pericardiectomy.
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 32 (1984): 311-314.
3. A. Rasmussen, E. Segel, M.T. Aagaard & I. Hessov:
The Effect of a Short Intensive Preoperative Parenteral Nutrition to the
Immune System.
European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 6th International
Congress. Milan 1984. (Abstract).
4. M.T. Aagaard & V.Y. Haraldsted:
Total pericardiektomi som behandling af kronisk konstriktiv pericarditis.
Nordisk Forening for Medicinsk Radiologi. 43. Nordiske Kongres. Odense
juni 1985. (Abstract).
5. L.J. Jensen, M.T. Aagaard & S. Schifter: Antibiotic Prophylaxis
in Vascular Surgery.
Nordisk Kirurgisk Forenings 42. Kongres. København august 1985.
6. L.J. Jensen, M.T. Aagaard & S. Schifter:
Prophylactic Vancomycin versus Placebo in Arterial Prosthetic Reconstructions.
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 33 (1985): 300-303.
7. S. Schifter, M.T. Aagaard & L.J. Jensen:
Adverse Reactions to Vancomycin.
The Lancet 8453 (1985): 499.
8. A. Rasmussen, E. Segel, M.T. Aagaard & I. Hessov:
The Effect of Preoperativ Nutrition to the Immune System.
Clinical Nutrition 4 (1985): 175-179.
9. C.M. Trier Aagaard-Jensen, K.N. Lauridsen & S. Fristrup:
Gastrisk emfysem og emfysematøs gastritis. (Luft i ventrikelvæggen).
Ugeskrift for Læger 16 (1986): 963-964.
10. L.J. Jensen, M.T. Aagaard & S. Schifter:
Is two Dosis Antibiotic Prophylaxis Sufficient During Vascular Prosthetic
II International Vascular Symposium. London September 1986. (Abstract).
11. S. Schifter, L.J. Jensen, M.T. Aagaard & H.H. Kimose:
The Value of Preoperative Chlorhexidine Shower in Vascular Surgery.
World Journal of Surgery 10 (1986): 895.
12. E. Lundorf, M.T. Aagaard, J. Andresen, M. Silberschmid, S. Sabroe,
A. Coutté & L. Bolvig:
Radiological Evaluation of Early Pleural and Pulmonary Changes in Light
Asbestos Exposure.
European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 70 (1987): 145-149.
13. O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam, M.T. Aagaard & H.H. Kimose:
Predictability of Prognosis Following Surgical Treatment of Carcinomas of
the Thoracic Esophagus and Gastric Cardia.
8th Asian Congress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Singapore October
1987. (Abstract).
14. O. Lund, H.H. Kimose, M.T. Aagaard & J.M. Hasenkam:
Preopeative Risk Stratification and Long-term Results after Surgical Treatment
of Carcinomas of the Thoracic Esophagus and Gastric Cardia.
37th Annual Meeting in the Scandinavian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular
and the Scandinavian Society for Extracorporeal Technology. Helsinki,
Finland, August 1988. (Abstract).
15. J.P. Bagger, H.H. Kimose, M.T. Aagaard & P.K. Paulsen:
Placebo-controlled double-blind study of the Effect of Verapamil in Intermittent
Claudication. Xth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Vienna,
European Heart Journal 9, Abstract Supplement 1 (1988): 124. (Abstract).
16. S. Schifter, L. Johannsen, M.T. Aagaard, N. Goltermann, H.C. Parkers
& R.K. Craig:
Elevated serum levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) but no
evidence for CGRP gene expression in non-small cell lung carcinomas.
Clinical Endocrinology 31 (1989): 137-142.
17. O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam, M.T. Aagaard & H.H. Kimose: Time-related
changes in characteristics of carcinomas of the thoracic oesophagus and cardia.
Prognostic significance after surgery.
38th Annual Meeting in The Scandinavian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery, and The Scandinavian Society for Extracorporeal Technology. Aarhus,
Denmark 1989. (Abstract).
18. H.H. Kimose, O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam, M.T. Aagaard & M. Erlandsen:
Independent predictors of operative mortality and postoperative complications
in surgically treated carcinomas of the oesophagus and cardia - is the aggressive
surgical approach worthwhile?
38th Annual Meeting in The Scandinavian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery, and The Scandinavian Society for Extracorporeal Technology. Aarhus,
Denmark September 1989. (Abstract).
19. O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam, M.T. Aagaard & H.H. Kimose:
Time-related changes in characteristics of carcinomas of the thoracic oesophagus
and cardia. Prognostic significance after surgery.
9th Biennial Asian Congress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Taipei.
Taiwan, Republic of China November 1989. (Abstract).
20. J.M. Hasenkam, O. Lund, H.H. Kimose, M.T. Aagaard & M. Erlandsen:
Carcinomer i oesophagus og cardia. Risikostratifikation og selektion af
patienter til operativ behandling baseret på et 25-års materiale.
Dansk Kirurgisk Selskabs 16. årsmøde. København november
1989. (Abstract).
21. O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam, M.T. Aagaard & H.H. Kimose:
Time-related changes in characteristics of oesophagus and cardia carcinomas.
Prognostic significance after surgery.
The British Journal of Surgery 76 (1989): 1301-1307.
22. O. Lund, H.H. Kimose, M.T. Aagaard, J.M. Hasenkam & M. Erlandsen:
Risk stratification and long-term results after surgical treatment of carcinomas
of the thoracic esophagus and cardia. A. 25-year retrospective study.
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 99 (1990): 200-209.
23. M.T. Aagaard, O. Lund, H.H. Kimose, J.M. Hasenkam & M. Erlandsen:
Ændringer af den præoperative diagnostiske strategi hos patienter
med cancer i oesophagus og cardia. Erfaringer fra et 25-års kirurgisk
materiale omfattende 708 patienter.
Nordisk Forening for Medicinsk Radiologi. 48. kongres. Århus, Danmark
juni 1990. (Abstract).
24. H.H. Kimose, O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam, M.T. Aagaard & M. Erlandsen:
Independent predictors of operative mortality and postoperative complications
in surgically treated carcinomas of the thoracic esophagus and cardia - is
the aggressive surgical approach worthwhile?
Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 156 (1990): 373-382.
25. H.H. Kimose, J.P. Bagger, M.T. Aagaard & P.K. Paulsen:
Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Study of Verapamil in Intermittent Claudication.
Angiology 41 (1990): 595-598.
26. M.T. Aagaard, I.B. Kristensen, O. Lund, J.M. Hasenkam & H.H. Kimose:
Primary malignant non-epithelial tumours of the thoracic oesophagus and
cardia in a 25-year surgical material.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 25 (1990): 876-882.
27. B.W. Jakobsen, M.S. Steinke, B.S. Petersen, M.T. Aagaard &
E. Nielsen:
Frakturhyppighed hos børn.
Dansk ortopædkirurgisk selskabs forårsmøde i Herning
1993 (Abstract).
28. B.W. Jakobsen, M.S. Steinke, B.S. Petersen, M.T. Aagaard & E.
Fracture incidence in children sports.
FIMS 7th. European Sports Medicine Congress. Nicosia, Cypres. October 1993.
29. M.T. Aagaard:
Andelen af ultralydundersøgelser, der suppleres med farve-Doppler
på et mindre sygehus.
Dansk radiologisk selskab, 1997, 5, p.38. (Abstract).
30. M.T. Aagaard:
Kvalitetsudvikling af henvisningsproceduren til undersøgelse på
røntgenafdeligen. En kvalitetsudvikling der sker på røntgenafdelingen
på Tarm Sygehus.
Dansk radiologisk selskab, 1997, 5, p.39. (Abstract).
31. M.T. Aagaard:
Remittance of patient
to CT scanning from a small general hospital with no CT scanner during the
course of a year.
The Nordic Society of
Medical Radiology, 55.th Nordic Radiological Congress.
Reykjavík, Island., 2002, p.51-52. (Abstract).